
domingo, 24 de abril de 2022

Lesson 03: How do I feel?

Welcome dear students:

This is a very important information for you, please read carefully. ( Esta es una información importante para ti, por favor lee cuidadosamente)

 Answer the 2 questions as a comment, I read you. ( Responda las 2 preguntas como comentario, te leo.)

También trabaja la diapositiva en tu cuaderno.

See you in face to face classes. It'll be a pleasure.

"WHEN I FEEL ................. I ...................."


31 comentarios:

  1. 1ª how does Rocio fee?
    feel bored
    2ªwat are the reasons
    the reasons are why her parents punished her
    3 E Custodio Gonzales Perla

  2. 1° bored

    her parents punished her and she can't play with her friends, she doesn't see her grandmother or go to the park.

    3E Chapoñan Chafloque Lady yasury .

  3. 1 . bored

    2 . Because her parents punished her she can t play with her friends , she doesn t see her grandmother and she doesn t go to the park .

    Freddy Jesus Florian Celis 3 D

  4. 1:Bored
    2:Parents punishe Her she can t play whit Her Friends,She doesn't se Her grandmother

  5. 1.- Bored
    2.-because he doesn't play with friends, he doesn't visit his grandmother anymore and he doesn't go to the park

    Esquén Hernández Eber Joel 3D

  6. 1:Bored
    2:His father told him that he can't play with his friends.
    Adriana Cabrejos custodio 3D

  7. 1.-How does Rocio feel?
    Rocio is feeling bored.
    2.-What are the reasons?
    -Her parental punished her.
    -He cant't play with his Friends
    -He does not visit his grandmother
    -Does not go to the park.
    Capuñay Tocto Daniela Briggite 3D

  8. 1.bored
    2.her parents punished her
    Ricardo Atencio Chafloque 3E

  9. 1. se siente aburrido
    2. sus padres la castigaron y no puede jugar con sus amigos, no visita a su abuela y no va al parque

    Maria Micaela Diaz Piedra 3D

  10. 1-She's bored( está aburrida ) 2-because her parents punished her and don't let her play with her friends, nor visit her grandmother and they don't let her go to the park.(porque sus padres la castigaron y no la dejan jugar con sus amigos ,tampoco visitar a su abuela y no la dejan ir al parque)
    Kenzie Daniel Farro Merino 3D

  11. 1 how does Rocio fee?
    feel bored
    2wat are the reasons
    the reasons are why her parents punished her
    Marcos Erwin purihuaman chavesta de 3 f

  12. -She's bored.
    -her parents punished her.
    -Llontop Llontop Daniella 3"D"

  13. 1.- How does Rocio feel?
    Rocio is feeling bored.

    2.- What are the reasons?
    The reasons are:
    • Her parents punished her.
    • He doesn't play with his friends.
    • He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    • He doesn't go to the park.

    1.- ¿Cómo se siente Rocío?
    Rocío se siente aburrido.

    2.- ¿Cuáles son los motivos?
    Las razones son:
    • Sus padres la castigaron.
    • No juega con sus amigos.
    • No visita a su abuela.
    • No va al parque.

    Luis Ángel Vilca Llontop del 3ro "F"

  14. 1*feel bored

    2* Because her parents punished her she can t play with her friends , she doesn t see her grandmother and she doesn t go to the park .


  15. 1:Bored
    2:Parents punishe Her she can t play whit Her Friends,She doesn't se Her grandmother

    Leonardo Ballena Ayasta 3C


  16. 1.-aburrida
    2.-sus padres la castigaron de modo que puede ir a jugar con sus amigos, no va a visitar a su abuela y no va al parque
    Lucero Espinoza Garay 3C

  17. 1.- How does Rocio feel?
    Rocio is feeling bored.

    2.- What are the reasons?
    The reasons are:
    • Her parents punished her.
    • He doesn't play with his friends.
    • He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    • He doesn't go to the park.

    Alina Montalvan Cajusol 3E

  18. 1.- How does Rocio feel?
    Rocio is feeling bored.

    2.- What are the reasons?
    The reasons are:
    • Her parents punished her.
    • He doesn't play with his friends.
    • He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    • He doesn't go to the park.

    Leslie Velasquez Mechan 3E

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. 1. How does Rocío feel?
    Rocio is bored.
    2. What are the reasons?
    He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    He doesn't go to the park.
    Her parents punished her.
    He doesn't play with his friends
    Salazar Chanamé Mary Daniela 3 "C ".

  21. 1- Feel sad and pored
    2- why was she punished

    3"A" Espinoza LLONTOP ANYHELO

  22. 1.- ¿Cómo se siente Rocío?
    Rocío esta triste y a su vez aburrida.

    2.- ¿Cuáles son los motivos?
    sus motivos son los siguiente :
    *.- No juega con sus amigos.
    *.- No visita a su abuela.
    *.- sus papas las castigaron.
    *.- No va al parque.
    Edwing Uceda Segovia 3"F"

  23. 1 ¿Cómo se siente Rocio?
    Rocio is feeling bored.
    2 ¿Cuáles son los motivos?
    •Her parents punished her.
    •He doesn't play with his friends.
    • He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    • He doesn't go to the park.

    Jhon Gonzales Gonzales 3"B

  24. 1.- How does Rocio feel?
    Rocio is feeling bored.

    2.- What are the reasons?
    The reasons are:
    • Her parents punished her.
    • He doesn't play with his friends.
    • He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    • He doesn't go to the park.

    3° "A" Llontop Ballena Gya Aidin

  25. 1.- How does Rocio feel?
    Rocio is feeling bored.

    2.- What are the reasons?
    The reasons are:
    • Her parents punished her.
    • He doesn't play with his friends.
    • He doesn't visit his grandmother.
    • He doesn't go to the park.
    3B Salazar Guzmán Dayra

  26. 1 How does Rosio feel ?
    Rocio does feel bored
    2 what are the reasons?
    her parents punished her

    3E Jean Franck Pisfil Ferre

  27. 1- Feel sad and pored
    2- why was she punished
    Velasquez Garnique Daniela Alexandra 3 A

  28. 1) Aburrido
    2)Porque no juega con los amigos, ya no visita a su abuela y no va al parque.

    Leonardo Ballena Ayasta 3C


Lesson 03: How do I feel?

Welcome dear students: This is a very important information for you, please read carefully. ( Esta es una información importante para ti, po...